Satellite Phones

A satellite phone is a type of mobile phone that connects to orbiting satellites instead of terrestrial cell sites. 

Satellite Phones Africa

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Satellite phones are a technology proven to facilitate communications in remote destinations, making sat phones ideal for wilderness adventure seekers, sailors, or teams responsible for emergency preparedness and contingency planning. 

Satellite phones offer call and SMS text messaging communication services and low-bandwidth internet access are supported through most systems. They do not route calls through land-based cellular towers like traditional mobile phones; rather, they transmit data through satellites orbiting the planet. This network of satellites is either “fixed above the Equator (geostationary), or in Low Earth Orbit (LEO) anywhere from 500 to 1,000 miles above the earth.” Satellite phones are therefore not reliant on cell towers that can be damaged by natural disasters or may be non-existent in remote locations. Due to the satellite architecture, these phones can essentially work anywhere in the world, greatly assisting organizations operating in locations that lack a reliable communications infrastructure. Minutes can be prepaid or bought via monthly airtime contract, and are often categorized as less expensive than foreign roaming charges on a typical cell network.

Depending on the architecture of a particular system, coverage may include the entire Earth or only specific regions.

The mobile equipment, also known as a terminal, satellite phone or sat phone, varies widely. Early satellite phone handsets had a size and weight comparable to that of a late-1980s or early-1990s mobile phone, but usually with a large retractable antenna. More recent satellite phones are similar in size to a regular mobile phone while some prototype satellite phones have no distinguishable difference from an ordinary smartphone.  Satphones are popular on expeditions into remote areas where terrestrial cellular service is unavailable.

There are several types of satellite phones, including:

  1. Traditional satellite phones: These are standalone devices that use satellite networks to make and receive calls. They are typically larger and more expensive than other types of phones, but they offer reliable connectivity in areas with no cellular coverage.

  2. Smart satellite phones: These are satellite phones that offer additional features and capabilities, such as the ability to access the internet, send text messages, and run apps.

  3. Hybrid satellite phones: These are satellite phones that can also connect to cellular networks when available, allowing users to switch between satellite and cellular coverage depending on their location.

  4. Satellite hotspots: These are portable devices that create a wireless internet connection using satellite networks, allowing multiple devices (such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops) to connect to the internet at the same time.

  5. Satellite-enabled smartphones: These are smartphones that are equipped with a satellite module, allowing them to connect to satellite networks in addition to cellular networks.

There are several types of satellite phones that are available on the market today. Some of the most common types include:

  1. Inmarsat satellite phones: These phones use the Inmarsat network to provide global coverage, including in remote and hard-to-reach locations.

  2. Iridium satellite phones: These phones use the Iridium network, which provides coverage in virtually all parts of the world, including the poles.

  3. Globalstar satellite phones: These phones use the Globalstar network, which provides coverage in most parts of the world, including many remote and hard-to-reach locations.

  4. Thuraya satellite phones: These phones use the Thuraya network, which provides coverage in most parts of the world, including Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and parts of Asia.

  5. IsatPhone satellite phones: These phones use the Inmarsat network to provide global coverage, including in remote and hard-to-reach locations.

In addition to these types of satellite phones, there are also satellite phone systems that are designed specifically for use on ships and other maritime vessels. These systems use satellite networks to provide communication services to ships that are out of range of traditional terrestrial phone systems.

However, satellite phones are also not advocated as a replacement for cell phones, as they have been criticized as bulky and cumbersome. They do not consistently offer the day-to-day Internet access of today’s smart phones. Additionally, satellite phones typically require an unobstructed view of the sky in order to operate effectively. This can hinder connections from the interior of buildings or vehicles, areas close to tall buildings or dense vegetation, and in deep valleys or canyons. Nonetheless, satellite phones are still considered a useful tool for communicating in remote areas.

A fixed installation, such as one used aboard a ship, may include large, rugged, rack-mounted electronics, and a steerable microwave antenna on the mast that automatically tracks the overhead satellites. Smaller installations using VoIP over a two-way satellite broadband service such as BGAN or VSAT bring the costs within the reach of leisure vessel owners. Internet service satellite phones have notoriously poor reception indoors, though it may be possible to get a consistent signal near a window or in the top floor of a building if the roof is sufficiently thin. The phones have connectors for external antennas that can be installed in vehicles and buildings. 

- Credit:, US Dept. of State

There are four satellite phone network providers, IridiumInmarsatGlobalstar and Thuraya.

A fleet of 66 low-earth orbit (LEO) satellites provide military grade voice and data communications solutions with complete global coverage of the earth including polar regions. Iridium is the most reliable, and is the only network to cover all 7 continents.

The world's leading mobile satellite operator. Its constellation of ten satellites located in geostationary orbit enables delivery of voice and high-speed data services and mobile IP broadband to almost anywhere on the planet. Inmarsat is a British company which offers excellent coverage along the worlds sea lanes.
Through its two geostationary satellites, Thuraya provides coverage of more than 140 countries in Europe and large parts of Africa and Asia for handheld voice and mobile IP broadband service. Thuraya is an innovative company based in the UAE and is a popular choice for Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia. Sadly, coverage does not extend to the Americas.
Satellite Phones W5
What Satellite phones are handheld (typically) communications devices allow you to communicate where cellular and landline networks are not availble.
Where - Satellite phones are typically used in remote areas or at sea.  Satellite phones wouldn't typically work well in an urban areas.

Category Questions

The USB port on 9555's and 9575's is intended for Firmware upgrades and tethering only. Though the charge symbol flashes when plugged in, the power gain is minimal. 

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The one truly global handset is Iridium. The 9555 & 9575 are stand alone units while the Iridium GO! pairs via blue tooth with your cellular phone. 

These options fall under Iridium's global network of 66 low earth orbiting satellite that spend about 11 minutes overhead and then hand off to the next satellite providing coverage in your area.

The Inmarsat handset the ISAT2 is a popular handset that while fantastic for a large portion of the planet fails around the Arctic and Antarctic circles. It is also easier to lose connectivity due to requiring line of sight to a satellite over the equator. 

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The Iridium GO! is designed to accomodate one phone call and up to 4 simultaneous users texting. 

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There are several ways to track satellite phones. The Electronic Frontier Foundation, a San Francisco nonprofit, has written about the potential risks journalists face when using satellite phones for reporting. Some satellite phones can be tracked using radio frequency emissions, which are easily received by a trained technician. Another method is to use a tracking device, such as an Iridium Extreme, to send position reports on a scheduled basis. In order to track a satellite phone, the phone must be powered on and registered with the network.

The technology for tracking a satellite phone is fairly accurate. It looks at the world from space and combines the signals of cell towers and other devices to determine the exact location of the device. However, consumer-grade tracking devices are rarely accurate enough to pinpoint the exact location of the phone to within a few inches. They're often off by 32 to 98 feet, or 10 to 30 meters, or as much as 164 feet. The professional-grade trackers are more reliable.

The accuracy of satellite-based tracking depends on several factors. Because of the large number of users and different types of phones, not all phones are capable of being tracked by satellite. For example, some cellular phones don't have the hardware to track by a satphone, while Treo and BlackBerry are popular brands that can be tracked by satellite. In addition to the limitations of a satellite-based tracking device, smartphones without a trilateration chip rely on WiFi and cell towers to get the location.

Although the technology used to track satellite phones is fairly accurate, it is rarely accurate enough to pinpoint a phone's position to a few inches. The most accurate consumer-grade trackers are about 32 to 98 feet off, and as high as 164 feet. Military and professional-grade trackers generally perform better. They do not require the assistance of a third-party. If you have a smartphone, satellite phone tracking may be a great option.

As long as a satellite phone is within range of a GPS tower, you can use a satellite phone tracker to track its owner. Most consumer-grade trackers work in countries around the world, but they are not very accurate. These devices must be placed where they can be seen. In addition, they can also be used to monitor an individual's location in a foreign country. They work by a line of sight.

As long as a phone is within the range of the satellite, the device will be able to track the user. The technology is very accurate. Some consumer-grade trackers can trace the user's location to within an inch. If a satellite phone is within range of a cellular tower, the tracking service is more accurate than the cellular tower. Some smartphones have the hardware necessary to be tracked by satellite.

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There are three main satellite phone providers. Globalstar, Iridium, and Inmarsat cover the largest areas and offer 100 percent coverage. Each provider has its own strengths and weaknesses, but they all have their advantages. Ultimately, it comes down to what you need from your phone. Listed below are some of the features that each provider has to offer. Read on to discover which one is best for your needs.

For people who live far from the nearest land, the best satellite phone provider is Iridium. The company is the only one that makes phones that can function in the polar regions. Their phones are more advanced and have better features. Some users prefer Iridium because of its low price and high-quality service. If you're looking for a quality sat phone, Iridium is your best bet.

You should also consider the cost of calling a satellite phone. Most providers provide only US and Canada-based phone numbers. If you want to talk to friends and family in the US, Iridium is the best choice. Besides offering high-quality phones, they also offer a range of features, including a GPS receiver. For people who live in the polar regions, Iridium is the best choice.

Choosing a satellite phone provider is an important decision. Different providers have different pricing plans and features. Depending on your budget, you can choose from a monthly, annual, or lifetime plan. VoIP is more affordable if you have reliable internet connection. However, satellite phones are a better option for people who need to be mobile but cannot always stay connected to a network. It is possible to call an operator and get help if your service doesn't work properly.

A satellite phone can cost a few dollars a month to several hundred dollars. Depending on the type of device, the equipment costs vary. If you are traveling to remote areas, you can choose the most reliable satellite phone based on its location. But you should also consider whether you need a feature that isn't available in your country. If you don't want to spend a lot of money, consider switching to another provider.

There are two main types of satellite phones. You can choose the one that offers the highest quality and lowest price. A monthly plan can be costly, and a monthly plan can be an option you may not be able to afford. Generally, you should choose a satellite phone that allows you to make calls from a remote area. If you're traveling to remote locations, you should choose a prepaid plan.

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A satellite phone is a type of mobile device that offers a reliable connection around the world. These phones are especially useful in remote areas, when terrestrial coverage isn't available. There are many benefits of having a satellite phones, and the convenience and functionality is worth the price. Satellite phones can help save lives in emergency situations and disasters. They are very easy to use, and are an excellent tool for coordinating relief efforts. ... Read more

The psuedo country code for Iridium phones is 8816, Inmarsat is 8788. It is an international formated dialing pattern and if you call the sat phone from a conventional line you will be billed for international calling. The location of the handset at the time of the call is not a  determining factor. 

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